Formation Structure

We are a social club incorporated in the State of New Jersey as a not-for-profit corporation (NP).

We are currently awaiting our 501(c)7 determination letter from the IRS, but the government shutdown will probably delay that status for many months.

A 507(c)7 designates a social club with the sole purpose of facilitating fun for it's members. The reason to join this type of social club is so all the members can pool their money (dues) to do things they would not normally be able to afford on their own, and if they could afford to do it, they would spend the same amount of money as the group would. In other words, it costs the club the same amount of money do do things as a group as it would cost you if you paid for it on your own. There's no financial benefit other than the fellowship of the like minded people you spend time with.

Fellowship is important with a 501(c)7 social club. Members need to attend our in-person events at least once every year. We also encourage members to meet in their local areas and we'll help facilitate those meetings.

Home for Lost Pets membership is open to anyone. However, you must keep in mind the requirement that all members must attend at least 1 in-person event every year.

Fostering these in-person gatherings helps build a strong community more than any online participation. Regardless of where you are in the world, HLP will help you satisfy your membership requirements. Feel free to ask about this when you join our Telegram chat (login required to view that page).

We have 3 membership levels:

  1. Registered Member: This is where your HLP membership starts. Once your registration is approved, your membership number will be assigned and the year you join is established. After your registration is approved, you'll be granted access to the Telegram Chat Link after logging into your account.
  2. Card Holder: Someone who pays $5 for our membership card. This is a one time fee for a membership card that has your join year on it. Flash this card at businesses for discounts.
  3. Full Member: Someone who pays $25 per year for membership. Full members have access to additional discounts from our retail sponsors, and are given the ability to register for events before they are offered to Card Holders or the public. There are a few Full Member only events every year, like Thanksgiving. Full Members in good standing have the right to vote (and run) for BOR positions when they are open.

PLEASE NOTE: There are hidden areas of this website that you will not see until you become a Registered Member and log into this website. Only then will you see the pages that allow you to pay for a membership card or pay for your yearly membership.

What are we doing with the money we collect?

All the fees we collect for seminars, classes, and events is used to cover operational expenses (like the cost of this website, printing member cards, literature) but more importantly that money goes towards the rental/purchase of whatever we need for our member events. This includes, but is not limited to, floor mats, seating, activity furniture, and the rental of a private space to hold events.