Join HLP

Listen up, pup and pup friends alike. HLP has a different membership structure that other Pup and Handler groups. We have 3 membership levels:
  1. Registered Member is someone who fills out the website form and claims a member number. This membership level is free. These members are allowed in our main Telegram chat.
  2. Card Holder is someone who pays $5 for their membership card. This entitles you to discounts with vendors who support us, and it gets you access to the NSFW Telegram chat.
  3. Full Member is someone who pays $25 per year for membership. Full members have access to discounts at additional vendors, are given the ability to register for events before they are offered to other members, and it gives you the right to vote (and run) for BOR positions when they are open.

Fill out the form below to become a Registered Member.

PLEASE NOTE: There are hidden areas of this website that you will not see until you fill out this form and become a Registered Member. Only then will you see the pages that allow you to pay for a membership card or pay for your yearly membership.

E-mail Address*:
Reenter E-mail*:
Confirm Password*:
Pet play name*:
Human name*:

What human name you commonly answer to? Please provide, at least, your first name. You may include your last name name as well. HLP keeps your name on file just for member safety and record keeping, and it won't ever be published or used at any of our events. However, please take note of the other notice below regarding attending private events.
The Home for Lost Pups is an adult member organization. Officials of HLP must verify your ID before allowing you to attend one of our private events. You must be 18 years of age to join HLP.

Cell Phone:
User Verification
1 1 0 9 6 2 2 4
Please enter the number you see in the box.
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*Required information