Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Representative – BIPOC Rep


Any person who is 18 years or older, who doesn't identify as white.


This board position is entrusted with the very important mission to serve as a community leader for members of this Identity Group, which have endured a long history of prejudice, social bias, and internalized feelings of shame. The BIPOC Rep is expected to implement and improve education for public awareness campaigns and foster discussion with the LGBTQ+ community and HLP members. This board member is also expected to organize social and educational events that improve relevance and visibility of the BIPOC LGBTQ+ community. The BIPOC Rep is expected to cultivate relations with other BIPOC LGBTQ+ organizations to further public awareness and joint community efforts. This board member is expected to guide all HLP education and outreach to ensure BIPOC relevant visibility is always represented and made to feel welcomed.